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Continuing Education Programs > Continuing Ed Units / Digital Badges > CE Information

CE Information   

As an accredited university, Bradley University’s Division of Continuing Education is a statutorily approved sponsor/provider of certain Continuing Education (CE) hours.; The Division provides the necessary documentation for participants to present their hours to associations and state licensing boards.

What are Continuing Education hours?

CEs are professional development hours that are awarded to individuals who have participated in non-credit educational activities that meet identified goals.

Some regulators refer to these activities as CEUs (continuing education units), CPEs (continuing professional education units), or PDHs (professional development hours).  We use the term CE (contact hours) as the descriptor for all these activities.

For what kinds of activities is Bradley qualified to confer CEs?

Type 1: Processing CEs on behalf of agencies

CEs may be awarded on behalf of regulatory agencies that require ongoing professional development activities by their licenses. 

List of agencies and licenses 

Type 2: Creating a non-credit program

When an individual participates in a Bradley-sponsored non-credit educational activity offering continuing education contact hours, we are a recognized provider of CEs.

Type 3: Certifying CEs

Once your participants have successfully completed their professional development hours, we can provide them with a certificate that validates their participation.  Your participants can then use these certificates to notify regulatory agencies that the work has been completed.

How do I create my CE plan? 

  1. Download and fill out this form. This form will document the date, instructor details, learning objectives, and learning outcomes. 
  2. Email the completed form to
  3. Division staff will contact you to set up a short discussion about your program. 
  4. Upon completion of the program, Division staff will gather required information.
    1. Type 1 and Type 3 programs require this form.  It is important that all names are spelled correctly as we cannot change the names after the CEs are processed. 
    2. Type 2 programs do not require a form.    
  5. Division staff will process CEs and email them to participants; the contact for your program will also receive a summary of all CEs provided. 
  6. The Division will  maintain a record of the CEs for up to 7 years.

What are the costs associated with CEs? 

The cost is $15 per certificate. If you are a company wanting to process multiple certificate please email us at for a company rate.  


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